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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Where is Gold Found

Where is Gold Found

We all know the monetary value of gold in today's time, however not many of us must be knowing 'where is gold found'? If you don't know the exact answer to this question, then this article acquaints you with places in the world where gold is found in abundance. Read on...
Gold, one of the most precious metals has been hailed as a symbol of prosperity since thousands of years. Gold coins have been used since a long time in monetary exchanges in many civilizations. It has been used as jewelry and in metal arts since time immemorial. Gold is found in rocks and mines and it takes a long process to recover pure gold from the rocks and grains embedded in the deep valleys and mines. Let's know 'where is gold found naturally'.

Where is Gold Found in the World?
When it comes to the big question, 'where is gold found on Earth', we can't forget to mention the name of Mecca of gold production and mining, i.e. South Africa. Since 1886, South Africa has been leading the gold production race by an unimaginable margin. During the peak production of 1970s, South Africa contributed nearly 80% of the world gold supplies! For decades, South Africa has been the number one in terms of total gold production after North America and Australia, however, it has diminished its production owing to the discovery of mines and reserves in US and Australia. In Australia, the third biggest gold producing country, gold is majorly produced in New South Wales, Goldfields-Esperance and Western Australia. The Super-Pit gold mine in Kalgoorie, a 8 km area with gold mines is one of the most spectacular sights to watch, and it produces 850,000 ounces of gold every year, that is more than any other gold mine production of the country. Read more on gold mining.

Uses of Gold

Uses of Gold

What can be said about the uses of gold? Perhaps, gold is one element which is the most useful mineral on Earth. This is a review on the various uses of gold in different aspects of civilization.

From the very beginning of recorded history, gold has been in myriad of uses for mankind. Its occurrence is in the form of grains in rocks, veins and alluvial deposits. Out of all metals which are known, gold posses a high degree of ductility and malleability and it is dense, soft and shiny. Apart from these, properties which make gold find numerous applications in industries, are its resistance to corrosion, electrical conductivity, infrared reflectivity and thermal conductivity. From here onwards, we will be discussing about the different uses of gold.

Buying Gold as an Investment

Buying Gold as an Investment

Buying gold as an investment is considered to be extremely profitable and safe than other methods of investment. After reading this article, you will definitely understand how to buy gold as an investment. So, keep reading to know more...

Why Should We Invest in Gold?

The most conventional way of investing money is to deposit it in savings account and fixed deposits and earn a fixed interest on that amount from the bank. However, it has been observed that over the years, the interest given to depositors has been reduced, thus giving less returns on investments. To add to this, the rising inflation in almost all parts of the world considerably reduces the profits of investors. So, investors must think of other options to maintain their profits. Though the stock market is considered as a money generating tool, very few people actually have complete knowledge about it. Any investment made without conducting a proper research in the stock market can result into heavy capital losses. On the other hand, investing in gold is much safer than stocks and returns are much more guaranteed. By studying the demand and supply statistics of gold, you can easily secure your financial future. In the next paragraph, let us know how purchasing gold as an investment is actually done.

Cash for Gold Reviews

Cash for Gold Reviews

With a lot of these cash for gold companies coming up, a lot of people are unsure whom to trust. So here's an article containing cash for gold reviews.
Cash for Gold: Does It Work

Let me first address the first basic question on how the cash for gold scheme works. Now consider yourself in a situation where you find that you have an urgent need for cash. Your mind will quickly direct to all those old gold jewelry lying unused at the bottom of your wardrobe. And putting two and two together, you will most probably be inclined to feel, could I sell this gold for cash? And given how aggressively these cash for gold dealers market themselves, you must have found one of their ads on the Internet. So, you would think that if the cash for gold prices are really competitive and their service as fast as they claim it is, then there is only the simple matter of following their instructions for sending the gold to them left. And they promise that they will pay you back quickly, without any hassles whatsoever and at an unbelievable rate.